歡迎 文少輝工作室
Welcome to Man Siu Fai Studio

文少輝(Man Siu Fai, Jackman)
香港土生土長的畫家及作家,成立「文少輝工作室」(Man Siu Fai Studio)。喜愛旅遊的Jackman擅長繪製水彩風景畫,曾踏足的國度都是他的創作題材,且每一本都有太太傅美璇(Erica)的同行與協力。除了創作、著述與教學,Jackman的作品亦多次入選國際藝術獎項及展覽,部分入選畫作收錄著作中。近年回歸本地,傾力以香港為主題,以畫作分享他的香港印象與體悟。
2023年:IFAM Global 馬來西亞國際在線評審藝術比賽 (馬來西亞)
2023年:The International Watercolour Masters Contest(英國)
2022年:155th Annual International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society(美國)
2022年:IFAM Global 馬來西亞國際在線評審藝術比賽 (馬來西亞)
2021年:IFAM Global 馬來西亞國際在線評審藝術比賽 (馬來西亞)
2019年:The International Watercolor Contest 2019 of Galleria Esdé(意大利)
《荷蘭比利時最美繪旅行》、《一學就會!水彩實戰教室》、《奧地利最美繪旅行》、《冬季瑞士》、《芬蘭與波羅的海三國繪旅行》、《最完美的瑞士之旅2》、《最完美的瑞士之旅》、《水彩的30堂旅行畫畫課》、《日本見學深度慢遊》、《邊旅行,邊畫畫》、《義大利繪旅行》、《日本鐵道繪旅行》、《漫畫廚房》 、《西班牙繪旅行》、《畫家帶路,JR Pass遊日本》、《畫家帶路,丹麥尋寶記》及《Stars in the sky》。
電郵:info@mansiufai.com 臉書:文少輝工作室
網站:www.mansiufai.com IG :jetravelnillustration
Man Siu Fai
Man Siu Fai is a painter who lives and works in Hong Kong.
Picturesque landscapes, fishermen, farmers, old buildings full of historical stories, plants... all come to life with contrasting harmonious colors and bold compositions. As the artist explains, "I am a storyteller and I welcome you to join me on my visual journey."
Siu Fai’s artwork has been shown in exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian countries for over decade. His solo exhibition was just held in Hong Kong in 2022. One of his paintings was awarded in 2021 Autumn Malaysia International online juried art competition and was awarded in International Watercolor Contest 2019 by Galleria Esdé in Italy.
He is also an author of art books and travel books, and has published sixteen books. A large number of paintings are included in the books.
Artist's statement
“My distinctive personal style exudes a sense of peace and an intense sense of local life, expressing the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of Hong Kong's traditional culture and landscape.
Capturing the light is everything! It is always the light that I remember most about any location. It is my inspiration. I use watercolor and brush on paper, to capture movement and life — making the brush dance and the watercolor sing. Everything is captured in the spontaneous dance and movement of the brush as it meets the paper. “
Awards & Exhibitions
2024:Japan international watercolor institute’s 24rd International watercolor exhibition(Japan)
2024:Art Revolution Taipei’s International Art Competition(Taiwan)
2023:Japan international watercolor institute’s 23rd International watercolor exhibition(Japan)
2023: The 28th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City(Taiwan)
2023:IFAM Global’s International Online Juried Art Competitions (Malaysia)
2023:Art Revolution Taipei’s International Art Competition(Taiwan)
2023:The International Watercolour Masters Contest(英國)
2022:155th Annual International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society(USA)
2022:IFAM Global’s International Online Juried Art Competitions (Malaysia)
2022:Man Siu Fai’s Solo Exhibition(Hong Kong)
2021:IFAM Global’s International Online Juried Art Competitions (Malaysia)
2019:The International Watercolor Contest 2019 of Galleria Esdé(Italy)